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1. Add dependencies

smooth: path/to/packages/smooth
smooth_dev: path/to/packages/smooth_dev # only needed if you want to write tests in app

This package is not yet released to because it needs a custom flutter/flutter and flutter/engine build. Will release once all PRs are merged.

2. Initialization

void main() {
SmoothWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // add this line
// ... your original code ...

3. Add parent

Wrap your tree with SmoothParent:

child: /*... your original child such as MaterialApp ...*/

4. Add point


This will no longer be needed, if the PR to enhance performLayout to Flutter is merged.

Put SmoothPoint in many places your widget tree, roughly making each child subtree less than 1ms to build or layout. No need to be accurate about the 1ms - just ensure putting enough of it and it is done.

(WIP) If you put too coarse SmoothPoints, the system will warn you.

Use it in tests

Similar to the case above, we need to initialize the binding, but this time the one for test:

void main() {