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PR status


This list may be outdated. For most up-to-date information, please see:

The list also contains PRs to Flutter framework and engine but not related to flutter_smooth, but PRs starting from 2022 October are mainly about it.


Many PRs are labeled rejected below, but it does not mean they are really rejected. Instead, it is because "closing to remove from review queues" (source). I am re-submitting refined version after working towards the code review feedbacks, as well as having further discussions in Discord with Flutter team which they suggest.

Auto-generated PR list is as follows:

  1. flutter/engine#37865: badge (Reland fix wrong VSYNC event @ 2022-11-23T05:55:26Z)
  2. flutter/engine#37343: badge (Remove (3N-1) jank and big-jump when N rasterization misses deadline (V2) @ 2022-11-05T06:37:08Z)
  3. flutter/engine#37341: badge (Fix janks caused by await vsync in classical Flutter (V2) @ 2022-11-05T05:38:58Z)
  4. flutter/engine#37340: badge (Fix jank and large-jumping frame by controlling rasterizer ending time (V2) @ 2022-11-05T03:28:15Z)
  5. flutter/flutter#114726: badge (ThemeData does not respect ColorScheme for TabBar, CheckBox, etc @ 2022-11-04T23:41:53Z)
  6. flutter/flutter#114506: badge (Clarify what AnimatedBuilder really speeds up when using child @ 2022-11-02T13:56:28Z)
  7. flutter/flutter#114502: badge (Ensure methods like dispose are not async by accident @ 2022-11-02T13:39:44Z)
  8. flutter/flutter#114488: badge (Tiny code cleanup: remove unnecessary comparisons @ 2022-11-02T08:04:03Z)
  9. flutter/flutter#114481: badge (Tiny improvement of RouteSettings display @ 2022-11-02T05:31:06Z)
  10. flutter/flutter#114468: badge (Fix error when resetting configurations in tear down phase @ 2022-11-02T01:52:26Z)
  11. flutter/flutter#114467: badge (Refactor usages of physicalSizeTestValue to simplify code and improve DX @ 2022-11-02T01:44:28Z)
  12. flutter/flutter#114400: badge (Incorrect rendering of SnapshotWidget @ 2022-11-01T07:39:12Z)
  13. flutter/flutter#114391: badge (Tiny fix about outdated message @ 2022-11-01T03:58:28Z)
  14. flutter/flutter#114290: badge (Minor code cleanup: remove redundant return @ 2022-10-29T13:41:43Z)
  15. flutter/flutter#114124: badge (Avoid future bugs about wrong manipulation of engineLayer inside addToScene @ 2022-10-27T03:06:12Z)
  16. flutter/flutter#114117: badge (Fix incorrectly named "debug" prefix @ 2022-10-27T00:20:49Z)
  17. flutter/flutter#114003: badge (Introduce debugWithActiveLayoutCleared to avoid duplicated code @ 2022-10-25T09:41:15Z)
  18. flutter/flutter#113998: badge (Layer ... was previously used as oldLayer assertion error in debug mode, and page being blank in release mode, caused by LeaderLayer addToScene bug @ 2022-10-25T07:08:30Z)
  19. flutter/flutter#113988: badge ([WIP] Fix Layer ... was previously used as oldLayer, caused by LeaderLayer addToScene bug @ 2022-10-25T04:04:31Z)
  20. flutter/flutter#113987: badge (Fix addToScene documentation @ 2022-10-25T03:56:49Z)
  21. flutter/engine#36985: badge (Let _debugCheckNotUsedAsOldLayer provide hashcode in addition to runtime type @ 2022-10-25T01:05:22Z)
  22. flutter/flutter#113927: badge (Fix wasted memory caused by debug fields - 16 bytes per object (when adding that should-be-removed field crosses double-word alignment) @ 2022-10-24T06:49:03Z)
  23. flutter/engine#36921: badge (Enable a frame to be scheduled immediately @ 2022-10-21T12:48:32Z)
  24. flutter/flutter#113831: badge (Allow GestureBinding subclasses to know hitTest information @ 2022-10-21T12:24:03Z)
  25. flutter/flutter#113830: badge (Fix bug thattimeDilation is not reset, causing subsequent test errors, and add verifications to ensure such problem does not exist in the future @ 2022-10-21T11:53:27Z)
  26. flutter/flutter#113828: badge (Expose Ticker.startTime so users know the start time and the absolute time @ 2022-10-21T10:40:45Z)
  27. flutter/flutter#113817: badge (Fix errors when using multiple build/pipeline owners @ 2022-10-21T07:14:04Z)
  28. flutter/engine#36918: badge (Fix incorrect newline in pull request template @ 2022-10-21T06:43:30Z)
  29. flutter/engine#36917: badge (Provide fallback vsync target time for window.render @ 2022-10-21T06:40:25Z)
  30. flutter/engine#36916: badge (Add peekPointerDataPacket to get pointer data packets earlier @ 2022-10-21T06:21:51Z)
  31. flutter/engine#36912: badge (Remove (3N-1) jank and big-jump when N rasterization misses deadline @ 2022-10-21T03:47:57Z)
  32. flutter/engine#36911: badge (Fix janks caused by await vsync in classical Flutter @ 2022-10-21T03:39:49Z)
  33. flutter/engine#36856: badge (Maybe another typo (2 char only) @ 2022-10-19T00:56:17Z)
  34. flutter/engine#36837: badge (Fix jank and large-jumping frame by controlling rasterizer ending time @ 2022-10-18T13:42:58Z)
  35. flutter/engine#36834: badge (Make deadline of NotifyIdle configurable, allowing flutter_smooth to get 60FPS, even if GC needs to run for 14ms per 16.67ms @ 2022-10-18T12:27:06Z)
  36. flutter/engine#36826: badge (Speed up pointer data packet dispatching by roughly 2x when multiple packets come @ 2022-10-18T02:52:56Z)
  37. flutter/engine#36822: badge (Eliminate duplicated code when dealing with pointer data @ 2022-10-17T23:41:12Z)
  38. flutter/engine#36820: badge (Fix 1-char typo @ 2022-10-17T23:19:06Z)
  39. flutter/engine#36797: badge (Expose NotifyIdle from RuntimeController to Dart, allowing flutter_smooth to get 60FPS, even if GC needs to run for 14ms per 16.67ms @ 2022-10-17T12:33:38Z)
  40. flutter/flutter#113526: badge (Allow disable report timing in profile build since it takes not-negligible amount of time @ 2022-10-17T11:55:09Z)
  41. flutter/engine#36775: badge (Fix wrong VSYNC event @ 2022-10-15T02:11:34Z)
  42. flutter/flutter#113433: badge (Reland AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.pump provides wrong pump time stamp, probably because of forgetting the precision, via optional flag @ 2022-10-14T11:46:19Z)
  43. flutter/engine#36607: badge (Expose vsync information to developer @ 2022-10-05T00:07:09Z)
  44. flutter/flutter#112778: badge (Minor change type nullability @ 2022-10-03T03:53:35Z)
  45. flutter/engine#36556: badge (Update comments that seem to contradict the code and may confuse the reader @ 2022-10-02T01:33:27Z)
  46. flutter/flutter#112757: badge (Add warning that RenderRepaintBoundary.toImage and OffsetLayer.toImage is slow @ 2022-10-02T01:11:34Z)
  47. flutter/flutter#112738: badge ([WIP][Do not merge this PR] Tentative experiment to see how to fix logic error about skippedPaintingOnLayer @ 2022-10-01T02:05:20Z)
  48. flutter/flutter#112735: badge (Fix logic error in markNeedsPaint @ 2022-10-01T01:18:23Z)
  49. flutter/flutter#112619: badge (Export elapseBlocking to test binding, so slow sync work can be simulated such as a slow widget build @ 2022-09-29T06:21:11Z)
  50. flutter/flutter#112609: badge (AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding.pump provides wrong pump time stamp, probably because of forgetting the precision @ 2022-09-29T02:44:43Z)
  51. flutter/engine#36438: badge (Allow render to be called multiple times for one BeginFrame @ 2022-09-27T05:49:30Z)
  52. flutter/flutter#112437: badge (Exposing hook for RenderObject.layout with zero overhead @ 2022-09-27T03:53:22Z)
  53. flutter/flutter#112436: badge (Exposing hook about tickers with zero overhead @ 2022-09-27T03:32:04Z)
  54. flutter/engine#36406: badge (VsyncWaiter schedules unneeded extra AwaitVSync callbacks for one frame @ 2022-09-26T02:44:43Z)
  55. flutter/flutter#112045: badge (Fix RenderEditable not able to update backgroundCursorColor when the user provides a new one @ 2022-09-21T07:01:41Z)
  56. flutter/flutter#112044: badge (Add assertion to _CupertinoSwitchRenderObjectWidget, otherwise it is confusing why updateRenderObject omits state update @ 2022-09-21T07:01:05Z)
  57. flutter/flutter#112043: badge (Fix SliverPinnedPersistentHeader, also not able to update stretchConfiguration and showOnScreenConfiguration @ 2022-09-21T07:00:29Z)
  58. flutter/flutter#112042: badge (Fix SliverScrollingPersistentHeader not able to update stretchConfiguration @ 2022-09-21T06:59:48Z)
  59. flutter/flutter#112041: badge (Fix CupertinoAlertDialog and CupertinoActionSheet, which mis-behave when orientation changes @ 2022-09-21T06:58:55Z)
  60. flutter/flutter#112040: badge (Fix logical error in TimePickerDialog - the RenderObject forgets to update fields @ 2022-09-21T06:57:43Z)
  61. flutter/flutter#112039: badge (PerformanceOverlay's multiple fields are not updated when the user wants to update it @ 2022-09-21T06:54:27Z)
  62. flutter/flutter#111849: badge (Change type in ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget to remove type cast to improve performance and style @ 2022-09-19T02:42:48Z)
  63. flutter/engine#36230: badge (Fix typo again @ 2022-09-17T06:19:39Z)
  64. flutter/flutter#111790: badge (Fix UiKitView which wrongly unconditionally repaints @ 2022-09-16T23:25:10Z)
  65. flutter/engine#36167: badge (Fix typo @ 2022-09-15T13:37:39Z)
  66. flutter/flutter#111524: badge (Link debugVisitOnstageChildren in Offstage @ 2022-09-13T23:26:25Z)
  67. flutter/flutter#111522: badge (Add my name to authors list @ 2022-09-13T23:11:13Z)
  68. flutter/flutter#110765: badge (Improve performance by removing redundant null checks on hot paths @ 2022-09-01T08:00:30Z)
  69. flutter/flutter#110131: badge (Fix Image's logical flow which disposes its image too early, causing errors such as "Cannot clone a disposed image" @ 2022-08-24T01:11:09Z)
  70. flutter/flutter#109750: badge (gradlew/gradlew.bat should not be gitignored according to official doc @ 2022-08-18T01:45:53Z)
  71. flutter/flutter#109287: badge (Fix that RenderEditable (TextField) ignores offset in painting, making text selections shifted when offset is nonzero @ 2022-08-10T05:54:50Z)
  72. flutter/flutter#106913: badge (Remove workaround since #66006 is fixed @ 2022-07-01T00:01:19Z)
  73. flutter/flutter#103486: badge (Create takeExceptionDetails which is similar to takeException but allows the user to know details (e.g. stack trace) @ 2022-05-11T13:19:05Z)
  74. flutter/flutter#101036: badge ((Test-only) Add tests for new ImageFilter.dilate/ImageFilter.erode in flutter engine @ 2022-03-30T10:48:14Z)
  75. flutter/engine#32334: badge (Create ImageFilter.dilate/ImageFilter.erode @ 2022-03-30T10:09:40Z)
  76. flutter/flutter#100684: badge (Fix typo (again) @ 2022-03-24T12:17:29Z)
  77. flutter/flutter#100672: badge (Fix FollowerLayer (CompositedTransformFollower) has null pointer error when using with some kinds of Layers @ 2022-03-24T05:23:58Z)
  78. flutter/engine#32133: badge (Fix simple typo: or or @ 2022-03-19T05:33:48Z)
  79. flutter/flutter#100300: badge (Fix wrong documentation: There is no LeaderLayer._lastOffset anymore @ 2022-03-17T13:50:39Z)
  80. flutter/engine#30916: badge (Fixing bug when ListenableEditingState is provided initialState with a valid composing range, android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection.setComposingRegion(int, int) has NPE @ 2022-01-19T00:10:48Z)
  81. flutter/flutter#92745: badge (Fix typo that is introduced in hotfix 2.5.x @ 2021-10-30T03:53:30Z)
  82. flutter/engine#28707: badge (Fix duplicated documentation @ 2021-09-18T14:16:14Z)
  83. flutter/flutter#76033: badge (Correct the unit of file size from "kb" (maybe "kilo bits") to "KB" @ 2021-02-15T02:40:41Z)