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Let us firstly review the scenario before modification. Looking at, we see the following (simplified) code:

: layer_tree_pipeline_(std::make_shared<LayerTreePipeline>(2)) {}

void Animator::BeginFrame() {
if (!producer_continuation_) {
// We may already have a valid pipeline continuation in case a previous
// begin frame did not result in an Animation::Render. Simply reuse that
// instead of asking the pipeline for a fresh continuation.
producer_continuation_ = layer_tree_pipeline_->Produce();

if (!producer_continuation_) {
// If we still don't have valid continuation, the pipeline is currently
// full because the consumer is being too slow. Try again at the next
// frame interval.
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "PipelineFull");

// We have acquired a valid continuation from the pipeline and are ready
// to service potential frame.


void Animator::Render(std::shared_ptr<flutter::LayerTree> layer_tree) {
// Commit the pending continuation.
PipelineProduceResult result = producer_continuation_.Complete(layer_tree);

if (!result.success) {
FML_DLOG(INFO) << "No pending continuation to commit";

... notify rasterizer ...


Briefly recall the Flutter internal implementation:

  • Animator::BeginFrame is called in each frame, and finally calls OnAnimatorBeginFrame which will really call Dart side handleBeginFrame and handleDrawFrame etc.
  • Animator::Render is called by Dart window.render. It is normally called after paint/composite/etc phase, and flutter_smooth needs to call it extra times whenever we want to submit an extra frame.
  • The layer_tree_pipeline_ is a LayerTreePipeline with pipeline depth 2 (seen in constructor). The Animator is the producer of the pipeline, and the Rasterizer is the consumer.

Briefly speaking, the code about pipeline works as follows:

  • During BeginFrame, we either reuse or create a "continuation" in pipeline (i.e. occupy a seat). If we cannot, it means pipeline is full, and we skip the current frame.
  • During Render, we put Layer tree into the occupied seat. But if there is not any occupied seat, we indeed do nothing.