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The package does not solve the following problems, because either they are seldom a real problem or they are being fixed by Flutter.

Jank by paint

The package does not aim to solve jank caused by too-slow paint phase. This seems rarely to be a problem, because painting is usually pretty fast and is not the bottleneck. If you really observe super-slow paint, try to move some code from paint phase to build/layout phase. For example, instead of doing heavy computation about the location of a rectangle inside CustomPainter.paint, try to do it inside initState/didUpdateState/build etc. If you still see problems, create an issue so we can discuss it.

Jank by rasterizer

The jank caused by rasterizer slowness is also not a target. The reason is that, Flutter has an in-progress rewriting of rasterizer, called Impeller, which solves the shader compilation jank (which is reported by ByteDance that, most raster janks are caused by this) and so on. In short, Flutter is already having a great in-progress job that solves most of this problem, and this is a completely different area.