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Rust's enum are known to be very expressive and powerful - it allows each enum variant to have different associated data. Dart does not have such things in built-in enums, but no worries - we will automatically translate it into the equivalent using the freezed Dart library. The syntax for freezed may look a bit strange at the first glance, but please look at its doc and see its powerfulness.

Some features are documented in structs. For example, how to make it support json serialization, how to unignore a type, etc.


pub enum KitchenSink {
Primitives {
/// Dart field comment
int32: i32,
float64: f64,
boolean: bool,
/// Comment on anonymous field


class KitchenSink with _$KitchenSink {
/// Comment on variant
const factory KitchenSink.empty() = Empty;
const factory KitchenSink.primitives({
/// Dart field comment
required int int32,
required double float64,
required bool boolean,
}) = Primitives;
const factory KitchenSink.nested(
KitchenSink field0,
) = Nested;
const factory KitchenSink.optional([
/// Comment on anonymous field
int? field0,
int? field1,
]) = Optional;
const factory KitchenSink.buffer(
Uint8List field0,
) = Buffer;
const factory KitchenSink.enums(
Weekdays field0,
) = Enums;

And they are powered with all functionalities of freezed.

Remark: If you are curious about Future, have a look at this.

Pattern matching in Dart

Introduced in Dart 3, sealed classes can be used to pattern match values, enabling exhaustive variant checks and refuable patterns among other capabilities. Refer to the documentation for more details.

This feature supersedes Freezed's map and when families of methods. You can opt out of generating sealed classes by passing --no-dart3 when running codegen.

pub enum Maybe {
Some { value: i32 },
Maybe maybe;
final value = switch (maybe) {
Maybe_None() => 'got nothing',
Maybe_Some(:final value) => 'got value: $value',
// single case à la if-let
if (maybe case Maybe_Some(:final value)) {