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DateTime (Chrono)

Codegen optionally support chrono crate with feature chrono.

🦀 Rust🎯 Dart
DateTime<Utc>DateTime utc
DateTime<Local>DateTime local timezone
NaiveDateTimeDateTime utc assumed

You can also use nullable values through Option, for example: Option<NaiveDateTime>.

⚠️ Please note that:

  • on native platforms, microseconds unit is used.
  • on web platform, milliseconds unit is used (due to JS limitation with dates).

💡 Also a DateTime<Local> will always be translated into local time of the device, which might not be what you want if you expect them to be sent as-is.

In that case, you could implement it in your codebase by sending a u32 (timezone offset) alongside the i64 (timestamp) over the wire, or open a issue / PR here to further discuss it. The reason why this choice was originally made is to have all DateTime<Utc>, DateTime<Local> and NaiveDateTime been represented by a single i64.