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Override/add methods

In this page, we show how to do these in the example below:

  • Change the function signature / method implementation / ... of something in a third-party crate
  • Add arbitrary methods to existing structs/enums in third party crates

(Optional) How it is done

How is the example below implemented? Shortly speaking, the #[ext] macro (which implements the "extension trait pattern") automatically generates a trait and an implementation, which flutter_rust_bridge picks up. Then, the frb_override_ prefix is recognized to automatically rename and override the original function.


Override existing methods

Suppose the third party crate has code like:

pub struct S { ... }
impl S {
pub fn greet(&self, name: &str) { ... }

Then we can override the greet function like:

use extend::ext; // or, for example, easy_ext's
use the_external_crate::path::to::S;

pub impl S {
pub fn frb_override_greet(&self, age: i32, first_name: String, last_name: Vec<u8>) {
// We can have arbitrary implementation.
// Here, we demonstrate how to call the original implementation with modified arguments.

Add new methods

It is very similar to the approach above, except that we do not need to prefix with frb_override_.