
There are a few different ways to integrate with our Android binaries when building for Android. None are particularly outstanding:

  • An "Ivy Repository"
    • Works great, but impossible to test changes on an emulator locally or in CI :(
  • Raw Groovy & Gradle
    • Works in theory, but tedious to have to write all needed logic in Groovy/Gradle
  • Starting an OS Shell
    • Similar to iOS & macOS, see that section for more details on this
    • Wouldn't work on Windows development machines unfortunately; the started shell would not be bash
  • CMake
    • We call to CMake from Gradle to take care of fetching and processing our Android binaries
    • A somewhat odd approach, but works cross-platform and has code re-use from Windows/Linux!

Due to the above reasoning, we cover how to use CMake on this page. But do note, there are other possibilities out there.

CMake (/packages/flutter_library_name/android/CMakeLists.txt)

Unlike windows and linux CMakeLists.txt, the android equivalent does not actually build anything, which may come as a surprise. Instead, its sole purpose is to download & extract our Android binaries in a cross-platform friendly way. Here is our android CMakeLists.txt:

set(LibraryVersion "library_name-v0.0.0") # generated; do not edit
set(PROJECT_NAME "project_name")

# Unlike the Windows & Linux CMakeLists.txt, this Android equivalent is just here
# to download the Android binaries into src/main/jniLibs/ and does not build anything.
# The binary download/extraction is difficult to do concisely in Groovy/Gradle,
# at least across host platforms, so we are just reusing our Linux/Windows logic.

# The Flutter tooling requires that developers have CMake 3.10 or later
# installed. You should not increase this version, as doing so will cause
# the plugin to fail to compile for some customers of the plugin.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


# Download the binaries if they are not already present.
set(LibRoot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main/jniLibs")
set(ArchivePath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${LibraryVersion}.tar.gz")
if(NOT EXISTS ${ArchivePath})

# Extract the binaries, overriding any already present.
file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${LibRoot})
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LibRoot})
  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xzf ${ArchivePath}

Replace all instances of library_name above with your library name. Also, replace other variables (i.e. YourGitHubAccount and repo_name) as needed.

build.gradle Changes

Replace the android {...} section at the bottom of build.gradle with the following:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 31

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16

    // Trigger the binary download/update over in CMakeLists.txt
    externalNativeBuild {
        cmake {
            path "CMakeLists.txt"


Add the following to android/.gitignore

# Ignore Rust binaries

Build Script (/scripts/


# Setup
mkdir $BUILD_DIR

# Create the jniLibs build directory
mkdir -p $JNI_DIR

# Set up cargo-ndk
cargo install cargo-ndk
rustup target add \
        aarch64-linux-android \
        armv7-linux-androideabi \
        x86_64-linux-android \

# Build the android libraries in the jniLibs directory
cargo ndk -o $JNI_DIR \
        --manifest-path ../Cargo.toml \
        -t armeabi-v7a \
        -t arm64-v8a \
        -t x86 \
        -t x86_64 \
        build --release 

# Archive the dynamic libs
tar -czvf ../android.tar.gz *
cd -

# Cleanup
rm -rf $JNI_DIR