Zero copy
(and its friends like ZeroCopyBuffer<Vec<i8>>
) sends the data from Rust to Dart without making copies1. Thus, you save the time of copying data, which can be large if your data is big (such as a high-resolution image).
Make it the default
If you don't want to wrap Vec<u8>
and its friends with ZeroCopyBuffer
over and over again to avoid copying memory, you can alternatively provide a cargo feature called zero-copy
. With this feature enabled, Vec<u8>
and its friends will be zero-copied by default.
# Cargo.toml
flutter_rust_bridge = { version = "...", features = ["zero-copy"] }
pub fn draw_tree(tree: Vec<TreeNode>) -> ZeroCopyBuffer<Vec<u8>> { ... }
Future<Uint8List> drawTree({required List<TreeNode> tree});
The generated Dart code looks exactly the same as the case without ZeroCopyBuffer
. However, the internal implementation changes and now there is no memory copy at all!
If you are curious about what those Vec<u8>
and its friends actually are, take a look at this.
Not currently supported on Web, and will fallback to copying the buffer.